B.A. Applied Physics
Students seeking a survey of physics as a liberal arts degree, but plan on majoring
in another field, find that a Bachelor of Arts in Applied Physics degree is an ideal
option. This degree is well suited for students seeking to continue their education
in medical, business, industry, ministry, or law school. This degree focuses on an
introduction the core physics principles as well as a basic background in Calculus,
yet still leaves significant room for choice in physics electives and topics that
are interesting to the student. The B.A. in Applied Physics requires 26 physics hours
to complete, but in spite of the reduced number of physics hours, students will still
be held to the same standard of rigor and expectations as any other physics degree.
There is no compromise for excellence.
Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.
- Albert Einstein (Physicist)
This is NOT a stand-alone degree even if a student takes additional physics and math courses
of interest. It MUST BE PAIRED with a second major in some another area within or outside of science. The B.A. in
Applied Physics is an outstanding option for students desiring to strengthen their
critical thinking and problem solving skills within the context of another degree
If you would like more information about this exciting degree, please contact us at