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Student Information: We do not publish a public directory of student information online.

Mailing Address: The mailing address for offices is 410 Ouachita Street, OBU Box XXXX (4-digit box number), Arkadelphia, AR 71998

NamePositionUnitOfficeOBU BoxPhoneEmail
AFSORDEH, DANIELLE Adjunct - Online/PUHI Ouachita Online CB 349 3745 870-245-5133870-245-5133 afsordehd@obu.edu
AIPPERSPACH, CANDICE Associate Professor Division of Music MFA 115 3727 870-245-5131870-245-5131 aipperspachc@obu.edu
AIPPERSPACH, IAN Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Division of Music MFA 209 3727 870-245-5134870-245-5134 aipperspachi@obu.edu
ALEXANDER, TAMMY Office Manager School of Business HH 104B 3765 870-245-5250870-245-5250 alexandert@obu.edu
ALLISON, JUSTIN Assistant Professor Christian Studies BPBB208 3787 870-245-5557870-245-5557 allisonj@obu.edu
ALMAND, ANDY Associate Professor of Accounting & Analytics School of Business HH 309 3765 870-245-5251870-245-5251 almanda@obu.edu
ANDERSON, SCOTT Instructor of Cybersecurity Math/Computer Science 3784 870-245-5330870-245-5330 andersons@obu.edu
ANDERSON, TOMA Office Manager Academic Success Center LH 222 3773 870-245-5381870-245-5381 andersont@obu.edu
ANDRUS, THOMAS School of Business HH 104B 3765 870-5250870-5250 andrust@obu.edu
ARGO, CHRISTINA University Counselor Counseling Services argoc@obu.edu
ASH, KYLE Assistant Coach Wrestling Hatcher 3732 870-245-5420870-245-5420 ashk@obu.edu
BABB, CHRIS Instructor/Director of Sports Media Productions Department of Communications LH 238 3759 870-245-5207870-245-5207 babbc@obu.edu
BAHLOUL, ADAM Controller Business Services bahloula@obu.edu
BARNARD, JENNIFER Instructor of Psychology Psychology MCC208 3781 870-245-4005870-245-4005 barnardj@obu.edu
BARNES, MICHAEL Director Multicultural Student Programs LH 107 3777 870-245-5173870-245-5173 barnesm@obu.edu
BARNES, TAMMY S. Administrative Assistant Education MCC311 3789 870-245-5154870-245-5154 barnest@obu.edu
BARRETT, TAMRA Adjunct Criminal Justice MCC 110 3770 870-245-5515870-245-5515 barrettt@obu.edu
BASS, HAL Professor Emeritus of Political Science Political Science MCC 103 3737 870-245-5361870-245-5361 bassh@obu.edu
BATES, NAOMI Fine Arts Administrator Division of Music JPAC 3767 870-245-5569870-245-5569 fineartsadministrator@obu.edu
BATSON, JILL Lecturer; Administrative Support for Dean of Humanities Humanities LH 222 3759 870-245-5522870-245-5522 batsonj@obu.edu
BAUMGARDNER, DERYL Service Officer Safety & Emergency Management ESC 131 3760 870-245-4000870-245-4000 baumgardnerd@obu.edu
BECKWITH, HARRELL Stockroom Clerk Natural Sciences JSC 224 3747 870-245-5239870-245-5239 beckwithh@obu.edu
BEIGHTS, REBECCA Adjunct Applied Behavior Analysis beightsr@obu.edu
BELL, STEPHEN Professor Psychology MCC209 3781 870-245-4003870-245-4003 bells@obu.edu
BELL, TRACY Associate Professor Psychology MCC210 3781 870-245-4004870-245-4004 bellt@obu.edu
NamePositionunitOfficeOBU BoxPhoneEmail
Showing 1 to 25 of 406 entries