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Office of the Registrar

The Registrar supports the instructional and student progress endeavors of the university by providing quality services to students, faculty, administration, and the public.

The employees in the Registrar's Office will show a strict adherence to University policies while at the same time confronting each situation and problem with a helpful, Christian attitude.

Our office is located in Cone-Bottoms, room 210. Our normal hours of operation are 8 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Our mailing address is: OBU, Registrar's Office, Box 3757, Arkadelphia, AR 71998.

Ordering a Transcript

The OBU Registrar's Office transcript ordering process is through Parchment Exchange. Parchment's services are efficient, convenient, and secure.

There is a $10.00 charge payable by credit card (Visa, MC, Discover) for sending transcripts through Parchment. Parchment offers expedited overnight delivery and international delivery for an additional fee. Status reports will be emailed to you throughout the process or can be viewed online at any time.

Additional forms to send with your transcript can be uploaded to Parchment when making a request. You may also use the options to HOLD FOR GRADES or HOLD FOR DEGREE when making a request.

To have a transcript sent to ADHE (Arkansas Department of Higher Education): Set up your account with Parchment. When making your request, please request an e-transcript and use this email address: finaid@adhe.edu

You can make your transcript request through Parchment. (Watch the video tutorial below for how to order.)


Degree Verifications

Ouachita Baptist University has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide degree verifications. The National Student Clearinghouse can be contacted at www.degreeverify.org.

Online Forms

Please complete the appropriate form and return to the Registrar’s Office. Our contact information is:

Ouachita Baptist University
Registrar's Office
P.O. Box 3757
Arkadelphia, AR 71998-0001
Phone: 870-245-5580 Fax: 870-245-5194
Email: registrar@obu.edu

Next Steps
