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Special Olympics

The Special Olympics Arkansas Area 10 basketball event is just around the corner.  We, in the Department of Kinesiology at Ouachita Baptist University, are excited to be hosting the Area 10 Special Olympics Basketball Tournament and Individual Skills Activities again this year.

The event will be Thursday, February 27, 2019 at Sturgis Physical Education Center.


 **Please read the instructions below before registering. 




Please make an account under the name of your specific campus, department or program.

(i.e. instead of Little Rock use Little Rock Elementary.)

Create a password so you can log back in to edit your registration later.

**if you are getting errors related to your organization name that means someone has already used the name of your organization. Try adding the coach’s name to the organization “Little Rock Elementary Chelette” to distinguish yourself.




Tournament: Select 1 Ticket per team

Individual Skills Competition: Select 1 Ticket per athlete

Volunteer: Select 1 Ticket per volunteer

T-shirts: Select 1 for each T shirt size you wish to order. (Note: T shirts are NOT FREE. We are just not collecting funds through Eventbrite) Shirts are $9 each. Each organization is allowed 1 free T shirt)




Register EACH TEAM for the 5 v 5 tournaments under the COACH NAME. (Select 1 ticket per team)
Register EACH ATHLETE for the Individual Skills Tournament under the ATHLETE’S NAME. (Select 1 ticket per athlete)

*Athletes can participate in EITHER the 5v5 tournament OR the skills competition NOT both because they occur simultaneously.

Use the same name for COMPANY and ORGANIZATION so I can keep your athletes and shirt orders together.




Please select 1 Volunteer Ticket Option and also select your shirt size. Please also respond to the question about what times you are available.




The t-shirts are 9$ per shirt (NOT FREE). Each organization is provided 1 free shirt. Payment will be calculated by Friday, February 21st. Payment will be collected on the day of the event. Check only. Please make checks to Ouachita Baptist University.




Please complete the online registration form no later than Thursday, February 20th. After that, you will need to email chelettea@obu.edu to make revisions or additions.




9:15-9:45 a.m. Registration and Check-In in Sturgis Physical Education Center



10:00 a.m. Opening ceremonies in VINING ARENA 

10:15 a.m. – Noon Tournament and Individual Skills Competition

(Awards will occur in the Tiger Den immediately following your athletes’ performance)

12:30 p.m. Depart OBU



The minimum age is 5 years old.

Please drop off athletes in the rear of Sturgis Physical Education Center (Waggoner Pool entrance). Busses can park in the lower lot.

Email chelettea@obu.edu or call 870-245-5116

Tickets are for confirmation purposes only. It will not be required to bring them with you but may help you stay organized.

Yes. You can update your registration from the confirmation email by clicking “view and manage your order online”. If you have an Eventbrite account, click on your profile in the top right corner, and select Tickets to manage your order.

Next Steps
