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2024 Pastors' Conference: Lamentations

Open to all church pastors, ministers and staff.

Date: Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024
Location: Walker Conference Center, Ouachita Baptist University

About the Plenary Speakers:

Dr. Jeremy Greer is the Dean of the Pruet School of Christian Studies. He is a graduate of Ouachita, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and B.H. Carroll Theological Institute (Ph.D.). He has also served churches in Arkansas and Texas, and currently pastors Fellowship Church in Arkadelphia.

Dr. Scott Duvall is the Fuller Professor of Biblical Studies. He is a graduate of Ouachita and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div. and Ph.D.). He has authored numerous books and articles, including Grasping God’s Word and The Heart of Revelation, and has taught in many churches and ministries throughout Arkansas.

Dr. Doug Nykolaishen is Professor of Biblical Studies at Ouachita. He is a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and the University of Edinburgh (Ph.D.). He teaches Biblical Hebrew, Old Testament courses, Philosophy for Ouachita and has published many works including Ezra-Nehemiah in the “Teach the Text” commentary series.

Dr. Michael Cox is Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at Ouachita. He is a graduate of Ouachita, Wheaton College and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Ph.D.). He recently served as a professor at LCC University in Lithuania, where he also helped plant a local church. He currently teaches Bible Survey, Biblical Exegesis and Old Testament courses for Ouachita.

About the Breakout Session Leaders:

Terese Cox also recently returned from serving in Lithuania and has worked for much of her career in higher education, college ministry and in local churches. She will present a breakout with her husband, Michael, on lamenting as a church.

Dr. Byron Eubanks has taught at Ouachita for over 30 years. His course “Death and Dying” has prepared students for careers in ministry, medicine and more. He will present a breakout on guiding people through end-of-life decisions.

Christa Neal is an expert in child safety, abuse prevention and abuse response. Christa serves Arkansas Baptists on the Sexual Abuse Response and Resources Team and through multiple trainings on abuse prevention and response. She will present a breakout on responding to abuse with lament.

9:30-9:45 a.m. Welcome, Introductions, and Worship (Dr. Justin Hardin, Dr. Jeremy Greer, Ouachita Worship)
9:45-10:05 a.m. Plenary Session 1 – Why Lamentations? (Dr. Jeremy Greer)
10:05-10:35 a.m. Plenary Session 2 – Lamentations in Context (Dr. Doug Nykolaishen)
10:35-10:45 a.m. Break
10:45-11:30 a.m.

Breakout Sessions

  • Guiding People Well through the Maze of End-of-Life Decisions (Dr. Byron Eubanks)
  • Cultivating a Healing Culture: Responding to Abuse with Lament (Christa Neal)
  • Your Church Sometimes Needs to Lament Together. Here’s How (Terese Cox, Dr. Michael Cox)
11:30 a.m. - noon Plenary Session 3 – An Overview of Lamentations (Dr. Michael Cox)
Noon - 12:55 p.m. Lunch
12:55-1:05 p.m. Worship Music (Ouachita Worship)
1:05-1:35 p.m. Plenary Session 4 – Exegetical Gems from Lamentations – part 1 (Dr. Doug Nykolaishen)
1:35-2:05 p.m. Plenary Session 5 – Exegetical Gems from Lamentations – part 2 (Dr. Michael Cox)
2:05-2:15 p.m. Break
2:15-3 p.m.

Breakout Sessions

  • Guiding People Well through the Maze of End-of-Life Decisions (Dr. Byron Eubanks)
  • Cultivating a Healing Culture: Responding to Abuse with Lament (Christa Neal)
  • Your Church Sometimes Needs to Lament Together. Here’s How (Terese Cox, Dr. Michael Cox)
3-3:35 p.m. Plenary Session 6 – Beyond Lament: A Biblical Theology of Hope (Dr. Scott Duvall)
3:35-3:45 p.m. Closing (Dr. Jeremy Greer)


  • Church Leaders: $65
  • Current Ouachita students with ID: $20
  • Spouses (meals only): $25

The cost of the conference includes:

  • The Message of Lamentations: Honest to God (The Bible Speaks Today Series) by Christopher J.H. Wright
  • Sessions led by Ouachita Pruet Professors. Binder with notes for each session.
  • Continental breakfast, snacks and lunch

Pastors and church leaders in attendance will leave the conference with:

  • An understanding of the historical context and literary construction of Lamentations and their relevance for interpretation.
  • Guidance through the exegetical gold mines and land mines in Lamentations.
  • An understanding of and appreciation for the role of lament balanced with hope.
  • Practical ways to bring Lamentations and lament into their own lives and the lives of their church members.
  • An annotated list of recommended resources for further study for Lamentations and related topics.

Online registration deadline: Wednesday, Sept. 18.


Questions? Contact Patricia Fowler at fowlerp@obu.edu.

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